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Kit Helmets

Kit Helmets Joseph P. Robinson. 28 September 2005. May 2018 Collectors have spent a lot of time trying to determine how helmets flowed into the units. Several years ago, few collectors understood it at all. But today, serious collectors understand the Bekleidungsamt...
Women Regimental Chefs

Women Regimental Chefs

Women Regimental Chefs Joseph P. Robinson. These are the women who were Chef’s of regiments. I think this is a pretty complete list from 1913. It was customary for select regiments to appoint an Honorary Chef.  Some regiments had hereditary chefs and others...
Women in Uniform

Women in Uniform

Women in Uniform Joseph P. Robinson. I’m not so sure why this became an area of collecting but it is growing.  The Germans got into a large amount of propaganda obviously, but one of the “series” was Fräulein Feldgrau.  These were young pretty girls...
Student Societies

Student Societies

Student Societies Joseph Robinson 19 September 2006 We have all seen these pictures. Students with swords generally dismissed as some sort of university fraternity. The intent of this article is not academic, but merely to bring collectors some knowledge about what...
Military Service

Military Service

Military Service Joseph Robinson 19 September 2006 We have all seen these pictures. Students with swords generally dismissed as some sort of university fraternity. The intent of this article is not academic, but merely to bring collectors some knowledge about what...