Colonel J's - Pickelhaube and Imperial German Musings
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The purpose of this site is to share information about Imperial German stuff and keep my own findings straight. I don't sell anything. I am no expert. I am a collector. I give several opinions a day on things.  It is what it is an opinion and you get what you pay for.  It is free.  It might not be right, and I have been wrong before and will be wrong again.  But it is a heck of a lot of fun. I have been told this site is like a gold mine -- true -- you have to dig around a lot to find anything of value. The article tabs continue to be the most heavily utilized part of this site. Click on the picture to go to the article .

Newest Article:


Master Infantry Sheet

Master Cavalry Sheet


"The only book on the market that explains how Imperial Germany and her army worked."
The book is now available from the publisher ($5cheaper) or major booksellers.

Two articles giving examples of helmet markings:

There is also an article on helmet makers and their marks:

 Our other book is still in print.

I am done... from all who think I have said to little or too much, I beg pardon." St. Augustine -- The City of God.

Last Updated June 22, 2012

About us ....if you really want to know....

Copyright Colonel J's LLC 2002-2012 all rights reserved

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I get an awful lot of questions about family history, pictures of relatives and background of pictures and family history. Many people from  The first thing I would advise is to buy the book on the left. This explains a great deal and is  inexpensive.

People use the contact box on the bottom of this page to ask me if it is okay to send me a picture to review. Superfine send away- I do it all the time and sometimes I cannot help.  Use the contact box and I will send you my e-mail. Trying to keep the spam down!



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